Wetlands Best Management Practices Workshop
Presented by Ducks Unlimited Canada
About the BMP Workshop
In January 2016, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) hosted a two-day Wetlands Best Management Practices (BMP) Workshop. The workshop focused on collaborative engagement with participants to discuss planning and operating BMPs that could be adopted by regulators, industry and other stakeholders to effectively manage Canadian boreal forest wetlands. Participants included industry, government, consultants and not-for-profits.
The purpose of this workshop was to:
1. Promote the sharing of information about effective planning and operating BMPs for working in and around boreal wetlands; and
2. Identify user preferences to help guide the creation of boreal wetland BMP Information Management and Exchange System (IMES) to promote the sharing of information among stakeholders.
Day 1 of the workshop focused on information management and exchange. It included presentations on how companies collect, manage, store and share BMP information; demonstrations of IMES websites; and discussions about challenges and opportunities relating to the sharing of BMP information.
Day 2 of the workshop provided opportunities for exchanging BMP information. It included government and industry keynote presentations; roads plenary presentations; a panel question-and-answer period with keynote and plenary speakers; and concurrent BMP presentations on a range of topics including pipelines, well pads, emerging technologies and integrated land use planning.
The Best Management Practices Program
DUC's BMP Program works collaboratively with industry, government and academia to meet DUC's conservation goals by:
(1) Identifying and promoting the use of BMPs;
(2) Acting as a neutral broker and a conduit for information exchange; and
(3) Providing industry access to practices recommended by a respected conservation organization.
Learn more about DUC and the National Boreal Program, and explore our
Feedback From Participants
"The best $100 my company has ever spent for me to attend a workshop."
"I heard Day 1 was awesome. I am kicking myself for not coming yesterday."
"You and your team set the bar for how a workshop should be done."
"You did a great job. There may be other ways to run a workshop with good results as well, but your decisions were excellent and considered DUC needs as well as audience needs. Great job."
"Excellent participation and representation and good facilitation!"
"Now the real work gets started - living up to those expectations we created."
Would you like to give us more feedback?